Angel to Linwood: You just became my son's godfather, understand?
from Dad (Season 3)
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(At Wolfram and Hart, Linwood is re-watching the encounter between Lorne and Angel that morning.)

LORNE: Ah, good morning all. Is that bacon I smell or did somebody fall asleep with the curtains open? You got to figure, a guy like you, a place like this the only truly safe...

LINWOOD: Back it up.

(The video backs up then begins to play again.)

LORNE: ...fall asleep with the curtains open. You got to figure, a guy like you...

LINWOOD: Stop it right there! (Tape stops) Magnify one hundred times. (Picture zooms in) Again.

(The whole screen is now filled with Lorne's hand slipping a half-concealed piece of paper into the breast pocket of Angel's shirt.)

LINWOOD: There. That is when he gives Angel the note.

LORNE: The only truly safe room would be the janitor's closet.

ANGEL: Thanks for the tip.

LINWOOD: And tells him where to read it. The janitor's closet, where we don't have surveillance.

LILAH: (to GAVIN) That green houseguest could hear the hum of your transmit frequency. What are the odds?

LINWOOD: All that Sturm and Drang about Angel running out on them? Just a performance.

LILAH: He did a good job. Who knew Angel had the acting chops?

GAVIN: Are you kidding? It was one note. Felt forced.

LILAH: Funny. You bought it at the time.

LINWOOD: It worked - for us. Angel's little trick thinned the herd. And what about Holtz?

GAVIN: No reports yet that he was among Angel's pursuers.

LINWOOD: I was hoping he'd be among the casualties. What do we know about him?

LILAH: He is a vampire hunter. Angel killed his family and he spent the rest of his life seeking revenge. Oh, and one more thing, this all happened two hundred years ago.

LINWOOD: I thought Holtz was human.

LILAH: He is.

LINWOOD: I time traveler.

GAVIN: His arrival was foretold in the Nyazian Scrolls. He is a player.

LINWOOD: Yeah. He's a cog in the machine, and aren't we all. - What do you suppose it is that he wants?

LILAH: You mean other than to tear out Angel's heart and wearing it as a broach?

LINWOOD: We need more information. How he got he, who he works with, where he lives. It's only a matter of time before our needs and his come into conflict. (An alarm sounds) Maybe sooner than we think.

(Angel walks into the office, walks up to Linwood, slices him across the cheek, and pushes him facedown against the table.)

ANGEL: My son has a tiny scratch on his cheek, and now, by extraordinary coincidence so do you. I'm holding you personally responsible for *anything* that happens to him whether it's your fault or not. Cold, sunburn, scratched knee, what ever happens to him, happens to you, and then some. For not only are you not coming after him, you gonna make sure that he lives a long, healthy life. You just became his godfather, understand?

LINWOOD: I believe I do.


LINWOOD: It's all right.

ANGEL: Oh, and one more thing: College fund? Start saving. I got my heart set on Notre Dame.

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written by: David H. Goodman; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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