Buffy: How's abjuring from men?
from Triangle (Season 5)
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(A vampire attacks a nun. Buffy stakes it.)

NUN: What, what, what was that, he looked like a, a demon!

BUFFY: Yeah, he did. Are you okay?

NUN: Yeah, I think so.

BUFFY: Here.

(Buffy helps the nun get up.)

BUFFY: So, um, a-about being a nun... you know, um, with the whole ... abjuring the company of men ... you know, how's that working for you? The... abjuring.

NUN: (confused) Um ... good.

BUFFY: Yeah, do you, do you have to be like super-religious?

NUN: Well, uh...

BUFFY: How's the food?

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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