Illyria to Wes: You are a summation of recollections. Each change is simply a point of experience.
from Origin (Season 5)
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(Illyria follows Wes as he pokes around in the W&H archives)

ILLYRIA: You are so concerned with names, dates, times.

WESLEY: Reality's being changed.

ILLYRIA: Define change. The world is as it is.

WESLEY: Not necessarily.

ILLYRIA: You are a summation of recollections. Each change is simply a point of experience.

WESLEY: We are more than just memories.

ILLYRIA: And yet Fred changed the moment her memory did.

WESLEY: (shocked) Fred's memories were changed?

ILLYRIA: In places.

WESLEY: Can you see what they were before?

ILLYRIA: No. They're gone. Does this change your view of Fred? Is she still the person you thought she was?

(As Illyria interrogates him, he's flipping through files, and finally finds the one he wants. Reads for a moment)

WESLEY: No. None of us are.

(Wes drops the file as he rushes back out of the filing room. Illyria follows him. As they leave, the camera pans down to reveal the contract signed in blood by Angel.)

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written by: Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 29

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