Dawn & Xander give their gifts
from Older and Far Away (Season 6)
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DAWN: (excited) Here, do mine.

BUFFY: (surprised) Dawn.

DAWN: (smiling) Do you like it?

BUFFY: (lifting leather jacket out of the box) It's ... gorgeous.

DAWN: I was so nervous. I was afraid you wouldn't like it.

BUFFY: I-it still has the security tag on it.

DAWN: Huh. That's so weird. I can't believe they didn't take that off.

XANDER: (wheeling in a large wooden chest) Happy birthday, Buffy!

BUFFY: Oh my god! Did you guys make that? (abandons the jacket)

ANYA: Uh, well, uh, Xander did the building. I offered helpful suggestions while observing from a safe distance.

XANDER: Holds basic weapons, plus a few non-basic ones too. Plus, there's a handsome CD holder.

ANYA: We wanted you to have something no one else would have.

BUFFY: A Xander Harris original. I love it. Thanks, you guys!

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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