Introducing David Nabitt
from War Zone (Season 1)
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CORDELIA: Oh, I've missed that smell!

WESLEY: Camembert, I believe.

CORDELIA: What? No, money. I like to smell a little money once in a while.

ANGEL: She's not just saying that. Hide some in the office sometime, and watch her. It's uncanny!

CORDELIA: Oh, there he is.

CORDELIA: Mr. Nabbit, hi!

DAVID: Oh, hi.


DAVID: Glad you could come.


ANGEL: Thanks for having us.

DAVID: It's a pleasure. Who are you?

CORDELIA: Oh. I'm Cordelia Chase? We spoke on the phone?

DAVID: Oh! Right! So - so you - you must be - Angel.

ANGEL: Yeah. Nice to meet you. And this is Wesley, my associate.

WESLEY: Lovely party.

DAVID: Isn't it nice?

CORDELIA: Oh my god, is that Welland Harding?

DAVID: I - I - I have no idea. I don't know most of these people. I don't even talk to the people. They come to the party and I think they have fun. These are crab.

ANGEL: If this is a bad time we...

DAVID: Oh, uhm, Miss Chase said that you could only meet at night.

ANGEL: Well, yeah, it's more convenient...

DAVID: And - and that we'd be less conspicuous during the party. I mean, I think it's good! We probably won't be interrupted. Well, I-I've always said that I would make a billion dollars in the software market and, uh, learn to talk to girls. I'm still working on step two.

ANGEL: So why don't you tell us about your case?

DAIVD: Oh. Ah, my case. It, uh, somewhat has to do with black-mail.

ANGEL: Go on.

DAVID: Are you familiar with Dungeons and Dragons?

ANGEL: Yeah. I've seen a few.

WESLEY: You mean the - ah, role playing game.

ANGEL: Oh - game. Right.

DAIVD: Well, I used to play a lot in High School. You know, it was pretty cool. You get to be someone else for a while, a wizard, a warrior, you know, the whole world is magic, and fighting Troglodytes and romancing exotic demon princesses and you know, it's a rush!

CORDELIA: Did someone find out you were a big nerd?

DAVID: No that's - ah, that's actually public record. But some of us got *really* into it. Uh - specially the demon romance part. And then we heard about this place - where the real... The guys were joking about getting some tail.

WESLEY: You went to Madam Dorion's.

DAVID: J-j-just once.

WESLEY: It's a demon brothel.

DAVID: Or twice.

WESLEY: In Bel Air, I believe. The Watchers Council is *rife* with stories about it.

ANGEL: Ah - and how many...

DAVID: Twelve - times.

ANGEL: ...people knew about you going?

NABBIT: Oh - ah, just my-my friends, but ah - but my security guys have already identified the guy with the pictures. That's Lenny Edwards but I just can't find him.

ANGEL: Well, we'll see if we can do better.

DAVID: If - if my stockholders see these pictures...

ANGEL: They won't.

CORDELIA: Don't worry. We're incredibly discreet. We'll mingle here for a few hours, so no one suspects.

GIRL: Hey, David.

DAVID: Oh, hey. Nice-nice seeing you again. (to Angel and co) Yeah. I have no idea. When I moved to LA I thought it was all glamour and valet parking, but there's a whole world here that no one ever sees.

ANGEL: More than one.

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written by: David Straiton; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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