Kyle: family reunion with the monkeys?
from The Pack (Season 1)
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(Lyle is sketching monkeys)

Kyle: Lance! How's it goin'?

Lance: Hey, Kyle.

Kyle: So, is this like a, uh, family reunion?

Lance: No.

Kyle: I think it's a family reunion. It's so... touching. Doesn't anybody have a camera? Whapish!

Rhonda: Hey, does your mom still pick out your lice, or are you old enough to do that yourself now?

Lance: Quit it, huh? (Tor takes his notebook) Hey! Guys, c'mon! It's got my notes in there!

Mr. Flutie: What's going on here? I've had it up to here with you four! What're you doing?

Kyle: Nothing.

Mr. Flutie: Did I ask you to speak? Okay, I guess I did, but I want the truth. Lance?

Lance: They weren't doing anything. Really! We were just playin' around.

Mr. Flutie: Alright. I'll be watching you.

Kyle: You! Came through big time.

Rhonda: Way to go, Lance!

Tor: Flutie's been looking for a reason to come down on us.

Lance: It's okay.

Kyle: Come on, we're gonna check out the Hyena House.

Lance: But I think it's off-limits.

Kyle: And therein, my friend, lies the fun.

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written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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