Riley: teach me
from Something Blue (Season 4)

(Cut to UC Sunnydale campus. Buffy and Riley are walking together. Buffy is laughing)

BUFFY: You thought I was serious?

RILEY: Well, no.. um.. you weren't serious?

BUFFY: Oh, God.. please. I'm marrying a guy named Spike?

RILEY: Maybe. We haven't known each other that long.

BUFFY: No, it's just.. I saw that fear in your eyes when you caught me looking at wedding dresses, and I had to give you a hard time.

RILEY: I did not have fear in my eyes.

BUFFY: Yes you did. You were looking at me like I was a cartoon ball and chain.

RILEY: So you decided to tell me you're getting married.

BUFFY: Uh-huh.

RILEY: So, you're insane.

BUFFY: Uh-huh!

RILEY: But you're still single.


RILEY: Okay, then. Just another little piece of the Buffy puzzle.

BUFFY: You really have a lot to learn about women, Riley.

(He reaches up, taking hold of the back of her head like he's going to kiss her)

RILEY: You're gonna teach me.

(He smiles and turns, walking away, leaving Buffy staring after him)

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Collie. ( Full transcript at:
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