Angel to Jhiera: know anyone who burns people alive?
from She (Season 1)
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(Angel breaks into Peter Wilkers' office, finds an invoice from Jerico Ice.)

JHIERA: What are you doing here?

ANGEL: I could ask you the same question.

JHIERA: Working for *them*, is that it? How much do they pay you to hunt us?

ANGEL: I work for myself and I'm here because I'm looking for his killer. Hard to forget, huh? Burned alive. Know anyone who does that kind of thing?

(she sends him flying)

JHIERA: (answering her cell phone) Yes. Where? How soon?

(she drives off. Angel tails her)

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written by: David Greenwalt and Marti Noxon; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by M'lyn. Checked against source by M'lyn and myself.. Full transcript at:
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