Xander: museums promise human sacrifice, deliver old pots & pans
from Inca Mumy Girl (Season 2)
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XANDER: Typical museum trick. Promise human sacrifice, deliver old pots and pans.

Guide: Five hundred years ago, the Incan people chose a beautiful teenage girl to become their princess.

WILLOW: I hope this story ends with, 'And she lived happily ever after.'

XANDER: No, I think it ends with, 'And she became a scary, discolored, shriveled mummy.'

Guide: The Incan people sacrificed their princess to the mountain god Sebancaya, an offering buried alive for eternity in this dark tomb.

WILLOW: They could've at least wrapped her in those nice white bandages, like in the movies?

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written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 13

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