Angelus to Wes: Foul rag-and-bone shop of the heart. That's where you live.
from Soulless (Season 4)
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WESLEY: Angelus.

ANGELUS: Wes. Why the long face? Aren't you happy to see me?

WESLEY: Should I be?

ANGELUS: Well, if it wasn't for you and your shaman friend, I wouldn't be here. I'm feeling the love.

WESLEY: The choice was Angel's.

ANGELUS: Angel, schmangel. You're the man with the brain.

WESLEY: You're comfortable?

ANGELUS: Nice acoustics. Wouldn't hate a chair.

WESLEY: You'll have to forgive the accommodations. The last time you were free, you terrorized Sunnydale.

ANGELUS: That slayer—she's a pistol.

WESLEY: I've imagined this moment many times. Years of study, research... I've read everything ever written about you...

ANGELUS: Stop, I'm blushing.

WESLEY: To be one-on-one with the legendary Angelus. As a former watcher, it's a high point.

ANGELUS: Buttering me up. Getting me all relaxed, hm? Not the most innovative interrogation technique, but... OK, I'll play.

WESLEY: Is it a game?

ANGELUS: Hey, open book. Anything you want to know. How sweet that virgin gypsy tasted. The special smell of a newborn's neck. My first nun—now that's a great story.

WESLEY: We could start there.

ANGELUS: Don't be coy, Wes. You're just dying to know about the big Beastie. Fire away.

WESLEY: All right. Did you know the beast?

ANGELUS: Well, now that's a question. Not a great question. Not even an insightful question. Not a Wyndham-Pryce-worthy question—

WESLEY: If you knew the Beast, why wouldn't Angel remember?

ANGELUS: I don't know. Maybe he doesn't remember the good times. Maybe he won't let himself. So like him. Here's one for you: what's he deal with Angel and the Raiders of the Lost Ark?

WESLEY: The movie?

ANGELUS: The perfect day fantasy he came up with. Caves, booby traps, the requisite phallic sword.

WESLEY: He fought the Beast in the fantasy?

ANGELUS: Real candy-ass.

WESLEY: The Beast?

ANGELUS: Angel. Not enough to be the hero—couldn't be happy unless the whole gang's pitching in.

WESLEY: So, he killed the Beast in this fantasy.

ANGELUS: Had to. To get what he wanted. We all want something, Wes. It's the way of the world. Everybody's got an agenda.

WESLEY: And you want to tell me mine.

ANGELUS: You want to come down here, get your vital stats on lava boy, play the big hero—

WESLEY: I want to know how to kill the Beast. It has nothing to do with being a hero.

ANGELUS: Sure it does, but why now? Can't be because there's an apocalypse coming—always one of those around the corner.

WESLEY: Enlighten me.

ANGELUS: Foul rag-and-bone shop of the heart. That's where you live.

WESLEY: Meaning?

ANGELUS: You want to impress the girl. Move in, get her to love you, and after a couple days of flowers and chocolate covered cherries, (bangs his hands on the bars) you'll bend her over the kitchen counter—

WESLEY: That supposed to rattle me?

ANGELUS: Kinda bony for my taste, but different strokes...

WESLEY: The Beast called you an adversary.

ANGELUS: Bet he loves to rub that shiny bald head against her soft, milky skin. Mmmm...good...

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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