Xander dream: Xander's Dad: you ashamed of us? from Restless (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Gile's apartment)
XANDER: Giles, it's here!
(The group is looking at Willow, and ignore Xander)
GILES: It's more serious than we thought.
XANDER: Giles!
BUFFY: I can fight anything. Right?
ANYA: Maybe we should slap her.
(Xander runs past them, down the hall that should lead to Giles' kitchen, but instead he comes out in Buffy's dorm. Students walking around, chattering. Xander goes through the hallways and into Buffy and Willow's room.)
XANDER: Buffy?
(Hears growling behind him. He yanks open the closet door and goes in. he's back in the basement, with the pounding on the door)
XANDER: (whispers) That's not the way out.
(The door bursts open. Xander looks down at himself, then back up the stairs.)
XANDER'S DAD: What the hell is wrong with you? You won't come upstairs? What are you ... ashamed of us? Your mother's crying her guts out!
XANDER: You don't understand.
XANDER'S DAD: No. You don't understand. The line ends here with us, and you're not gonna change that. You haven't got the heart.
(A hand pulls Xander's heart out of his chest.)
written by: Joss Whedon; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at: