Spike: just say 'yes'
from Something Blue (Season 4)
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(Giles' apartment. Giles comes out of the bathroom, talking to Buffy & Spike as he does)

GILES: If the two of you could remain civil long enough to-

(He stops short when he sees: Buffy sitting in the chair, Spike on his knees in front of her, holding her hand)

BUFFY: It's just so sudden. I don't know what to say.

SPIKE: Just say yes, and make me the happiest man on earth.

BUFFY: Oh, Spike! Of course it's yes!

(They embrace and kiss. Buffy sees Giles)

BUFFY: Giles! You'll never believe what's happened!

(Buffy holds up her now ringed ring-finger. Giles just stares like he's gone crazy.)

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Collie. (Paranoia@slayme.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 55

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