Giles to Amapata: translate this for our archeology club?
from Inca Mumy Girl (Season 2)
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BUFFY: Your first day of school. Nervous?

Ampata: It is just more people than I have seen in a long time.

BUFFY: Ah, don't worry. You will have no problems making friends. As a matter of fact, I know someone who's dying to meet you.

GILES: (shakes her hand, smiles) How do you do?

Ampata: Hi.

GILES: I was, I was wondering if you could, um, translate this? (shows her the seal)

BUFFY: That was in no way awkward. Something wrong?

Ampata: Uh, No! Uh, it is... Uh, why are you asking me?

GILES: Well, uh, uh... (coughs) It's, well, it's an artifact... from, from, uh, your... region. I-it's, uh, from the tomb of a-an Incan mummy, a-a-actually. We were trying to translate it, uh, um, as a-a project for our, um...

WILLOW: Our archeology club.

GILES: Very good.

Ampata: It is broken. Where are the other pieces?

BUFFY: That's all we found.

Ampata: Hmm. It is very old and valuable. You should hide it!

GILES: Is, is, uh, anything you recognize here? Um, um, this, this, um... this ch-chap here with the knife, for instance?

Ampata: Well, I-I do not know exactly, but... I-I-I think this represents, I believe the word is... 'bodyguard'?

GILES: Bodyguard? Interesting.

Ampata: Legend has it that he guards the mummy against those who would disturb her.

GILES: Well, uh, yes, well, that's, um, that's a very good starting point for our, um... club. Um...

BUFFY: Oh, and, uh, a-as club president, I have, um, lots to do. Lots of... stuff. Dull stuff. Uh, oh, Willow, maybe you could...

XANDER: Stay with Ampata for the day. I'd love to.

Ampata: Yes! That will be fun.

(they go)

GILES: Right. I'll, uh, continue with the translation. Buffy, you research this, uh, bodyguard thing, and, uh, Willow... Willow?

WILLOW: Boy. They really like each other.

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written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; . Full transcript at:
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