Spike: Surprise. Dawn's a Bitty Buffy.
from Forever (Season 5)
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(Cut to Spike and Dawn walking down a dark alley. Spike carries an axe. They come to a spot where the wall looks all slimy and rough. )

DAWN: It's here. Just like he said.

SPIKE: So at least we know the old coot isn't completely daft. Look, you better let me snatch this egg thing on my own.

DAWN: No way! I'm going.

SPIKE: No, you are *not*. I've got no idea what's down there.

DAWN: You need me Spike. Somebody's gotta get the egg while you distract the Gora. Now come on.

SPIKE: (sigh) Well what do you know. Bitty Buffy.

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written by: Marti Noxon; This is my own transcript; short on description, but hey at least it's here today (April 24). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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