Xander 'saves' Anya from Spike
from Hush (Season 4)
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(Giles' apartment. Spike fetches some blood from the fridge, vamping out as he drinks it. He crosses the living room where Anya has fallen asleep on the couch researching. He puts his mug of blood on the coffee table, knocking over some books. Peeved, he kneels to retrieve them.)

(Xander enters, tired. From his POV it looks like Spike is bending over Anya's neck. Spike sits up -- he's in vampface and has blood on his mouth.)

(Xander launches himself over the couch, taking Spike to the ground and beating on him. Anya sits up -- what's going on? Spike tries to point Anya out but can't make a sound.)

(When Xander finally realizes Anya is okay, he rushes to her, kisses her. Spike sits up, furious.)

(Anya smiles, pleased by his display of true caring. Coquettishly, she makes a circle with her thumb and forefinger and sticks her other finger in it repeatedly. Xander smiles and they take off together, leaving Spike, Giles and Olivia a little grossed out.)

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written by: Joss Whedon; corrections made & some descriptions added based on the shooting script at http://www.mustreadtv.com/buffyscripts/hush1.html.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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