Spike to Lindsey: Rehab, mate. Working out the digits.
from You're Welcome (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

SPIKE: (to his tv) You made the biggest mistake of your life, and I'm gonna make you pay. Oh, yeah. Feel my wrath, gorilla throwing barrels.

(his game makes a losing sound)

SPIKE: Bloody hell.

(he continues playing)

SPIKE: (without looking up) Really should knock on a bloke's door... especially one that's got no qualms about killing trespassers.

(we see Lindsey has arrived)

LINDSEY: Come on. Is that any way to talk to your benefactor? Just a little concerned about you. You haven't been out in the field lately.

SPIKE: In case you haven't been keeping up with the sports pages, I got my bloody hands hacked off by that deranged slayer you sent me after.

LINDSEY: Yeah, I'm sorry about that, but, hey, your good old buddies at Wolfram & Hart managed to reattach them just fine, huh? You can sit around here and play video games.

SPIKE: Rehab, mate. Working out the digits. You got no idea how rotten this feels.

LINDSEY: Amazingly enough, I do. Yeah. Got my hand cut off a few years back. Line of duty. So believe me when I tell you, I can feel your pain.

SPIKE: Well, half of it, anyway. I'll give you that.

LINDSEY: Don't forget you got a job to do. The powers that be are counting on their champion. So are all the other helpless people—

SPIKE: I don't need a pep talk, Doyle. I already plan on going out. You just get one of your visions to tell me when and where.

LINDSEY: That's what I like— (cell phone rings) That's what I like to hear.

(he stands, walks a few feet away; talks on the cell phone)


EVE: We've got a big problem.

LINDSEY: Can this wait?

EVE: Kinda not. Cordelia Chase is awake.

LINDSEY: Really.

EVE: She's talking about some vision she had. Steering Angel right toward you.

SPIKE: Come on! You stupid plumber!

(throws the controls down and starts rattling the TV and game box)

LINDSEY: (to Eve) Well, now... I guess this calls for a change of plans.

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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