Buffy to Xander: so you just assume Angel did it?
from Revelations (Season 3)
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BUFFY: Giles is gonna be psyched that we showed up stuffy old Mrs. Post. (sees Giles) Oh, my God!

Paramedic: (into her radio) Sunnydale Medical...

BUFFY: What happened?

Paramedic: (into her radio) ...Caucasian male, mid-forties...

BUFFY: Giles...

Paramedic: ...blunt object head trauma. Notify ER, we're bringing him in.

BUFFY: What happened?

Paramedic: No time for this.

GILES: (feebly) Wait... Buffy, you must... must destroy the glove.

Paramedic: You want him to live? Get out of the way.

GILES: Use... Living... Flame...

Paramedic: Move!

BUFFY: What happened?

XANDER: Your boyfriend's not as cured as you thought.

BUFFY: What makes you think that Angel had anything to do with this?

XANDER: We saw what you saw.

BUFFY: So you just assume?

XANDER: I didn't. Faith did.

BUFFY: (very worried) What did you tell her?

XANDER: Only what everyone knows. She's a big girl. Came to her own conclusions.

BUFFY: (angry) How much of a head start does she have?

XANDER: Ten minutes.

BUFFY: (to Willow) Go through Giles' research. Figure out how to destroy the glove. (leaves)

WILLOW: (to Xander, who was about to say something) Shut up and help me.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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