Lilah to Wes: It means something that you tried.
from Home (Season 4)
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(Wesley sneaks into W&H's record room, starts rifling through files)

LILAH: I was wondering how long it'd take you to get here.

WESLEY: How'd I do?

LILAH: A little slower than I would have thought... but then you always did like to take your time. So you finally made it. Got behind the facade, and here it is, every dirty, little scheme. Every secret, all that evil, great and small. Just imagine what you could accomplish with that kind of information.

WESLEY: You wanted me to see this. You knew I'd—

LILAH: Die Hard your way up here? Come on, Wes. Who knows you better than me?

WESLEY: Perhaps you don't know me as well as you think.

(he goes back to the files)

LILAH: What are you doing, Wesley?

(he takes a piece of paper out of the files)

WESLEY: Standard perpetuity clause.

LILAH: You broke in here for my contract?

WESLEY: I'm here to release you from it.

LILAH: Wesley.

WESLEY: You've suffered enough.

(he lights the paper on fire)

WESLEY: I want you to find some peace.

LILAH: Gallant to the end...but I knew what I signed up for.

WESLEY: It's done.

LILAH: Look in the drawer.

(Wesley opens the drawer, takes out a paper from the same file)

LILAH: Flames wouldn't be eternal if they actually consumed anything. But it means something that you tried.

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me. . Full transcript at:
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