Potentials pajama party
from Showtime (Season 7)
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MOLLY: Annabelle was all, "Control your fear, control your fear." Meanwhile, she's the one that goes scampering off, right into that Turok-Han vampire. Poor Annie.

EVE: Great, so the slayer who's supposed to protect us let her get killed?

MOLLY: She didn't let her. Annabelle was foolish. Buffy can't be faulted by arriving too late.

CHLOE: It's not like she could've stopped it. I mean the super vampire messed her up pretty good.

VI: No lie, she still looked like a big bruise when I got here, and that was already like the day after.

EVE: And why isn't she back yet? Buffy. She left to get the new girl over an hour ago. Mabye she ran into trouble. You don't think she was too late again.

MOLLY: Maybe?

XANDER: Maybe we can save the maybes for a more dayish part of the day, girls. Potential slayers can function without sleep. Me, I'm no good without my usual 90 minutes.

ANDREW: I'm with him. Keep the chatter down! Or, speak up so I can hear you. (to himself) I'm bored. Episode I bored.

(Buffy walks in the front door with Rona.)

BUFFY: You guys are all still up?

XANDER: Ah! Who needs sleep?

BUFFY: Everybody, this is Rona.

EVERYONE: Hi. Hi, Rona.

ANDREW: Hey, Rona.

XANDER: Hey, Rona.

RONA: Um... why is that guy tied to a chair?

XANDER: The question you'll soon be asking is, "Why isn't he gagged?"

GILES: Molly, why don't you show our new houseguest where the kitchen is. I'm sure she's hungry after her travels.

MOLLY: Fair enough. I'm a bit peckish meself. (exits)

RONA: (to Anya) Bit what as well?

ANYA: That's English for "hungry."

RONA: ( to herself) Oh, here I thought "hungry" was English for "hungry."

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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