The Tale of Kitty Fantastico
from Family (Season 5)
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WILLOW: (v.o) Tell me a story.

TARA: (v.o) Okay. Once upon a time, there was, um ... a kitty. She was very little, and she was all alone, and nobody wanted her.

WILLOW: (v.o) This is a very upsetting story.

TARA: (v.o) Oh, oh, but it gets better.

(The kitten runs offscreen. Cut to a shot of her trying to crawl under a bed. )

TARA: (v.o) 'Cause one day the kitty was running around in the street and a man came, and swooped her up...

(A pair of hands comes into the shot and swoops up the kitten. )

TARA: And took her to the pound.

(We see Tara sitting on the end of Willow's bed lifting the kitten into her lap. Willow is in the bed, under the covers. )

TARA: And at the pound there were lots of other kitties, and there were puppies, and some ferrets...

WILLOW: (smiling) Were there dolphins?

TARA: (handing kitten to Willow) Yes. Many dolphins at the pound.

WILLOW: Or was there a camel?

TARA: (thinks) There was the front of a camel. A half camel. (Smiles)

WILLOW: (cuddling kitten) Did the kitty get chosen by some nice people?

TARA: Well, now you ruined the ending.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 42

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