Doctor: There's no way that girl was gonna wake up
from This Year's Girl (Season 4)
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Doctor: What do you mean she just wasn't there?

Nurse: I don't know. I came to check the monitors like I always do at eight o'clock. Eight o'clock is my shift, I got here on time.

Officer: You found the bed in this condition?

Nurse: Haven't touched a thing.

Doctor: Get the duty rosters and check the log. I wanna know exactly what happened. Coma patients do not just get up and walk away.

Nurse: We are checking every room on every floor.

Officer: Walk me through this one more time. You knew this woman was wanted for questioning on a series of murders and there's no security on this wing?

Doctor: You don't understand. There's no way that girl was gonna wake up.

Officer: Doctor...

Doctor: This can't be happening...

(Nurse2 comes in.)

Nurse: Did you find her?

Nurse: Another woman, unconscious and badly beaten. And she's been stripped.

(Officer, Doctor and Nurse2 leave in a hurry. Nurse goes to phone, dials a number.)

Nurse: (Into phone) It's happened. Send the team.

(Cut to Faith walking through streets, gets to window of Giles' apartment.)

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 8

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