Anya: never had to afford things before
from No Place Like Home (Season 5)
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(At the Magic Box, Giles hands a couple their purchase with a smile.)

GILES: Thank you for choosing to shop at The Magic Box and please do come again.

(When they've left, he drops the calm and giddily bounces over to Willow)

GILES: Did you see that? Customers! Real, live customers! They came in and I gave them things and they gave me money and then they left! It's brilliant!

WILLOW: Congratulations. You're an official capitalist running dog. But I gotta tell ya...on the orbular front? We're batting zeroes.

GILES: Well, we'll just have to keep trying.

(A group of customers enters and begins browsing. Giles calls out to them.)

GILES: If there's anything you need help with, let me know.

(One of the customers is anya who stops at the main display table, examining the items.)

ANYA: Your conjuring powder is grotesquely over-priced.

GILES: Anya...

ANYA: I'm sorry. I'm nearly out of money. I've never had to afford things before and it's making me bitter.

GILES: The change is palpable. That stuff doesn't come cheap.

ANYA: Well, you're getting ripped off. I could hook you up with the troll that sheds it.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 36

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