Buffy to Spike: not so much with the crazy, I like it.
from Beneath You (Season 7)
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BUFFY: Look, Nancy, we're going to get into this. And I promise you, if your dog is alive, we're going to find him. The only thing that I need is a little--

SPIKE: What you need is help. Fortunately, you've got me.


SPIKE: (nods) Buffy.

BUFFY: Spike.

NANCY: Who is that?

DAWN: He's... it's Buffy's...


NANCY: And I'm thinking it's a little more complicated than just that.

XANDER: Always is.

BUFFY: You've changed.

SPIKE: I have.

BUFFY: New clothing. Better hair. Not so much with the crazy. I like it. Now what do you want?

SPIKE: Easy. If you think I like putting myself here, surrounded by people who don't particularly like me, you'd be wrong.

XANDER: If you're uncomfortable, we can make you leave.

SPIKE: I'll be quick. (to Buffy) We need to talk. Want to do that here, or privately?

XANDER: I'm thinking here, in the company of good friends and pointy weapons.

BUFFY: You said something about quick?

SPIKE: I did. Before I start, and for the record, the last you saw me, I was a mess--out of my head, admitted. Last week, living in the school basement, well, you saw me.

DAWN: You did?

BUFFY: Guys, just a second, OK. Yes, I saw Spike. I just didn't--

DAWN: What? You just forgot to mention it?

BUFFY: Things were insane in the basement. I saved your life. We can discuss this later.

DAWN: Sure.

XANDER: Whatever you want.

DAWN: Right. 'Cause that seems to be the only time you let us in, Buffy. Whenever you want.

SPIKE: Now, in fairness to Buffy--

XANDER: (shouting) Shut up, Spike!

BUFFY: (sighs). OK, guys. Give us a second.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. Action descriptions & formatting edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 44

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