Willow: telling us to run away & leave you behind?
from Fear Itself (Season 4)
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BUFFY: What's alive?

XANDER: He's in shock.

BUFFY: Chaz, what happened here?

(Chaz looks up and screams as he sees the skeleton come up and stab at Buffy's shoulder from behind. Buffy turns and knocks its head aside then kicks it in the middle. It lies back to land on the ground, once again plastic.)

BUFFY: I think the cape took most of it.

XANDER: Let me see.

OZ: Could need stitches. You should at least get a bandage or something.

(We hear a girl scream and Chaz crawls back into the closet and closes the door.)

OZ: Cowering in a closet is starting to seem like a reasonable plan.

BUFFY: What closet?

(There is only a blank wall)

BUFFY: I'm gonna make my way upstairs and see if there are any people up there. You guys find a way out of the house and use it.

WILLOW: You're telling us to run away and leave you behind?

BUFFY: We need help. We need the only person that can make sense of what's happening.

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written by: David Fury; . Full transcript at:
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