Gunn: Look, we're not thieves, we're investigators. (and apparantly, jugglers)
from Offspring (Season 3)
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WESLEY: (in full mission-impossible mode) Step one: Dobermans are happily gnawing on the steak. Alarm and vid lines are disabled (pulls out a scanner and looks at its display) no infrared. Caught a break there. Step two: we cut a hole in the glass, snake in the mini-cam and scan the interior.If it's all clear, we disable the locks and bolts on the side door thus completing...

(Meanwhile, Gunn casually walks over, tries the door and finds it unlocked)

WESELY: ...step three.

(inside, Gunn looks around and whistles, impressed)

WESLEY: Can you believe this?

GUNN: Some guys collect old cars, some guys collect...

(Gunn flinches back as he spots a misshapen, one-eyed demon head in a glass case. Then he and Wes lean in for a closer look.)

GUNN: It's like - the eye follows you wherever you go.

WESLEY: Alright. If you were the priceless remnants of the lost Nyazian Scroll, where would you be?

GUNN: If I was priceless... (spotting the vault) I'd be in the vault.

WESLEY: The vault? Your snitch never said anything about a vault!

GUNN: I got a bad feeling about this.

WESLEY: We figure something out. It's just a - vault.

GUNN: Actually my bad feeling is more about the man standing behind you with the large revolver.

MAN: Move and I'll kill you.

(The man edges into the room and reaches for the telephone with one hand while still aiming the gun at them with the other.)

WESLEY: I hope you're calling the police.

MAN: You bet I am.

WESLEY: Good. You can explain to them why you keep so much GHB on hand. (Wes walks over to the bottle on the pedestal) You know, Rohypnol, the date rape drug.

MAN: What?

WESLEY: Muslok Trancing Amalgam. Under the microscope it's virtually indistinguishable from GHB.

MAN: Alright. I won't call the police.

WESLEY: I'm glad we understand each other.

MAN: Until after I kill you.


(Gunn picks up four red glass balls out of a bowl on another stand.)

GUNN: Hey, these worth a lot?

MAN: Yes. They're Cyopian conjuring spheres.

GUNN: How much? Four figures each? Five? (Starts to juggle two of the balls with one hand) More?

MAN: Stop that!

GUNN: Put the weapon down.

(When the man hesitates, Gunn lets one of the balls drop & break)

GUNN: Kind of delicate. (Juggles the remaining three with both hands) Look, we're not thieves, we're investigators. Now, we need to look at your Nyazian Scrolls. Put the weapon down, because - I'm getting kind of tired here.

MAN: Alright!

(Gunn drops another ball only to bounce it off his foot and catch it again.)

GUNN: I always wanna give them a big finish.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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