Faith to Kate: I'd like to make a confession.
from Sanctuary (Season 1)
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(the pilot sets the helicopter down. Kate and the police are waiting on the ground)

KATE: Where is she? You got one shot here Angel, where is she?

(Angel just looks at her)

KATE: Arrest him. Start with aiding and abetting a wanted felon.

(... at the precinct ...)

KATE: I think you're gonna like the cell we have for you, Angel. It faces east. It'll give you a great view of the sunrise in about four hours.

BUFFY: (arriving) What?

ANGEL: It's okay.

BUFFY: You know what he is?

KATE: Who are you?

ANGEL: She's nobody.

BUFFY: Wait. This is murder.

ANGEL: Buffy, it's alright.

BUFFY: It is *not* alright.

KATE: Get her out of here!

BUFFY: You are not taking the fall for her, Angel!

KATE: Out!

BUFFY: It's not gonna happen!

(Angel looks over and sees Faith sitting at another desk)

ANGEL: Buffy.

(Faith looks over her shoulder at them and slowly stands up as Kate walks over to her.)

FAITH: I'd like to make a confession.

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written by: Joss Whedon & Tim Minear; original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod and me. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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