Angel: you might need my help, but I might need yours
from War Zone (Season 1)

GUNN: What you doing here?

ANGEL: Skulking. Professionally.

GUNN: Look, I'm glad for what you did, okay? But I don't need no Guardian Angel, and I don't need no talking to. It's not gonna change the way things are down here, man. They're gonna keep coming, and we are gonna keep fighting.

ANGEL: I know.

GUNN: That's it? You ain't gonna talk *at* me, be all daddy-figure?

ANGEL: What am I gonna tell you that you haven't already learned?

GUNN: I killed her.

ANGEL: You didn't.

GUNN: Near enough. She was the reason, man. How come you do it? How come you're out here?

ANGEL: What else are we gonna do? I'll be around.

GUNN: I don't need no help.

ANGEL: I might.

(Gunn looks around, but Angel is already gone)

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written by: David Straiton; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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