Wesley: I'm Angel.
from Guise Will Be Guise (Season 2)
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(Cordelia walks into the hotel lobby and is grabbed around the neck by a guy from behind.)

BENNY: Where is Angel?

CORDELIA: He's--he's not here.

BENNY: You're lying. Give me Angel.

CORDELIA: (tugs on his arm) I-I can't. Let go! (He does and Cordelia turns to face him) It's about time you ...

(Benny pulls out a gun and points it at her. Wesley overhears as he walks towards the lobby.)

BENNY: My boss needs your boss. So I can not leave here without Angel. So you're gonna get him for me now, or I'm gonna blow your head off now.

CORDELIA: No! No, I--I -- I--I can't ...

(Wesley quickly heads back into Angel's office.)

CORDELIA: ...I--I--I don't know where he is. I swear.

BENNY: (cocking his gun) That's too bad.

CORDELIA: Wait! Wait! Listen, I--I ... (Someone in a long coat walks towards them.) Please wait.

WESLEY: (wearing Angel's coat) I'm Angel. (He almost slips but catches himself before Benny turns around) You looking for me?

WESLEY: (as Benny points the gun at him) That -- that -- that won't kill me.

BENNY: Fine. Let's go. (Lowers his gun and walks towards the door) Follow me.

WESLEY: You just expect me to follow you. I don't see why I should. (Turns away from Benny and takes a step towards Cordelia) Ah, you know the gun won't kill me.

BENNY: Oh yeah? (Points the gun at Cordelia) What's it gonna do to her? (Wesley spins around) Come on.

WESLEY: (hands up, placating) Yes. Alright, (Benny lowers his gun) but, ah, I shan't be cooperative.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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