Anya: Thank you for generous life-saving. Now please go away.
from Him (Season 7)
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(Buffy battles a demon attacking Anya)

ANYA: Maybe I'm not even the right Anyanka. Ever think about that? There's tons of Anyanka's out there. Maybe one of them pissed off this, uh? what did you say his name was? D'Hoffryneffer...

(Buffy kills it_

BUFFY: Good thing I stopped by and heard screaming. So, I guess D'Hoffryn decided to take you out after all?

ANYA: Yeah. He's, uh, not head of vengeance for nothing. Well, thank you for the generous life-saving. Now please go away. Look, I don't need anyone's help. Or, OK, clearly I do, but I don't want to need anyone's help, so stop helping.

BUFFY: I get it. After last week, you feel you need to be all renegade and broody. Taking yourself out of the loop?

ANYA: I need to figure out who I am.

BUFFY: Another, something bad is happening. I don't want my friends out there alone right now, OK?

ANYA: Well, I-I guess you guys could use my help. Willow's not very good with the practical strategizing?-except when she's evil. And Dawn... she's not really good for anything.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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