Gunn to Angel: Move against Eve without solid proof and it could end in a long, bloody fight.
from Damage (Season 5)
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ANGEL: Maybe we made a mistake coming here.

GUNN: What's going on?

LORNE: Oh, parasite Eve, right on out the door.

GUNN: You're firing her?

ANGEL: Well, that's one option.

WESLEY: A generous one, considering she tried to kill you.

GUNN: OK, first, the parasite she allegedly sicked on you wasn't meant to be fatal.

FRED: No, just send you into a permanent hallucinogenic coma.

ANGEL: And what's with the alleged? You don't believe I know it was her?

GUNN: It's not about what I believe. It's about the evidence.

WESLEY: This isn't a courtroom, Gunn. Things work with a bit more immediacy in the real world.

GUNN: She's liaison to the senior partners. You don't get to be that without serious juice. Move against her without solid proof and it could end in a long, bloody fight.

ANGEL: OK, fine. I think I liked you better when you just wanted to hit people.

GUNN: Rational thought. It's an acquired taste.

LORNE: Wait a minute. So, we're not going to snap Twiggy into little sticks?

ANGEL: Gunn's right. We can't risk it. Yet.

GUNN: We'll restrict her access, keep a closer eye on what she's up to. Play her like she's been playing us.

HARMONY: (arriving) Boss, we just got a tip some looney's hatched from the bin.

ANGEL: A who did a what?

HARMONY: A girl over in the nuthouse went all Cuckoo's Nest, hacked up a couple of guards and went over the wall.

ANGEL: Really not our department, Harmony.

WESLEY: Notify the authorities. Make sure they're on it.

HARMONY: OK, but they better bring a priest. Looks like this chick's gone all kinds of exorcist.

ANGEL: Wait a minute. She's possessed?

HARMONY: Duh! Didn't I say that?

WESLEY: I'll get a team together.

ANGEL: No. Wait. I don't want to go storming in with troops until we know what we got here. I've seen a few of these possession cases. They have to be handled very carefully. Real finesse job.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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