Rudy to Harmony: Company policy. Give me the finger.
from Harm's Way (Season 5)
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RUDY: You're up today.

HARMONY: Oh, come on, Rudy. You know I've been off the human blood for months.

RUDY: Company policy. Give me the finger.

(just as Harmony extends her forefinger out to Rudy, the telephone rings)

HARMONY: Good morning. Wolfram &— (Rudy pricks her finger with a needle attached to a readout device) Ow! (to phone) I'm sorry. Wrong extension. You need 529 for curses. Foiled again, huh? (chuckles) Hello? (hangs up)

RUDY: You're clean. Have a good one.

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written by: Sarah Fain and Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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