Buffy: Faith's like poison, acid, a bomb
from Superstar (Season 4)
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(coffee shop)

BUFFY: It's all Faith's fault. She's like poison. No worse, she's like acid that eats through everything. Maybe she's a bomb. The point is everything was going along great with Riley and then she comes along and messes everything up.

JONATHAN: Buffy you know what I think: I don't think this about you being angry with Faith, I think you're angry with Riley.

JONATHAN: I mean you have this amazing connection with him and then at the one moment when it matters the most he looks into your eyes and he doesn't even see that it's not you looking back at him.

BUFFY: There's no way he could know. I mean you don't just look at someone and say 'Hey that's not your body, get out of that body with your hands up!'

JONATHAN: I know you know that. But you have to believe it! Buffy if there's any part of you that's blaming Riley for what happened, it seems like there's a part of you that needs to forgive him.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Corwin2. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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