You’re thinking the demon's taken on corporeal form
from I've Got You Under My Skin (Season 1)
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WESLEY: Plakticine! Clearly it came up the elevator shaft.

CORDELIA: So it’s up here somewhere?

ANGEL: No. Long gone by now.

CORDELIA: And good riddance to it.

ANGEL: No, not good riddance. It’ll possess again.

WESLEY: Maybe we shouldn’t have been so quick to send the Andersons back home. It might attempt to repossess the boy.

ANGEL: I don’t think so. Not right away.

WESLEY: What are you thinking?

ANGEL: Well, it had to expel a lot of energy to escape like this. It’ll need time to recharge.

WESLEY: You’re thinking the demon's taken on corporeal form.

ANGEL: That’s my guess. It can only absorb the elements it needs if it manifests itself physically. Which means, if we can find it in time we can kill it. He’ll be looking for a hostile environment – somewhere damp. Probably returning to primordial volcanic basalt for his regeneration.


WESLEY: Sea caves!

CORDELIA: Why didn’t he just say that?

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written by: David Greenwalt & Jeanine Renshaw; Original transcript by anoymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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