George & Ms. Frank channel James & Ms. Newman
from I Only Have Eyes for You (Season 2)
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George: You can't make me disappear just because you say it's over.

Ms. Frank: There's no way we can be together. No way people will ever understand. Accept it.

George: Is that what this is about? What other people think?

Ms. Frank: No! I just want you to be able to have some kind of a normal life. We can never have that. Don't you see?

George: I don't give a damn about a normal life! I'm going crazy not seeing you. I think about you every minute.

Ms. Frank: I know. But it's over. It has to be.

George: (angrily) Come back here! We're not finished yet! You don't care anymore? Is that it?

Ms. Frank: (sobbing) It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what I feel.

George: Then tell me you don't love me. (shakes her) Say it!

Ms. Frank: Will that help? Is that what you have to hear? I don't. I don't. Now let me go.

George: No. A person doesn't just wake up one day and stop loving somebody.

A gun materializes in his hand. He takes a step back, raises the revolver, pulls the hammer back and aims it at her. She looks at the gun, frightened.

George: Love is forever. I'm not afraid to use it. I swear. If I can't be with you...

Ms. Frank: Oh, my God.


Giles notices George's loud yelling and looks up from his desk. He gets up, takes off his glasses and walks out of his office to the area behind the checkout counter. There he hears a faint female voice.

Voice: I need you.

GILES: Jenny!

George: Don't! Don't do that, damn it! Don't talk to me like I'm some dumb...

(shoots her, she falls & dies)

George: What's going on?

GILES: What's going on? You just shot a woman.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 12

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