Buffy: she's been fine
from The Body (Season 5)
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(The ambulance arrives)

BUFFY: She's in here.

PARAMEDIC 1: I'm getting no pulse.

PARAMEDIC 2: Let's lay her out.

(They lift Joyce onto the floor.)

PARAMEDIC 2: (to Buffy) How long's she been like this?

BUFFY: I found her, a-a few, few minutes.

(Paramedic 1 checks Joyce's eyes. Paramedic 2 attaches some wires to Joyce's chest.)

PARAMEDIC 2: Was she conscious?


PARAMEDIC 1: I'm bagging her.

BUFFY: What?

PARAMEDIC 2: We're gonna intubate. Just trying to get her to breathe, all right?

PARAMEDIC 2: This your mother?


PARAMEDIC 2: She have any serious physical health problems, any history of heart disease?

BUFFY: No. I mean, there, there was a tumor, a brain tumor, but she had an operation and she's fine now. She, she's been fine.

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written by: Joss Whedon; transcribed by Joan the English Chick . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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