Lockley: What the hell did they do to her in that class?
from Sense and Sensitivity (Season 1)
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KATE: Boy, I'm scared - and excited. And consumed with dread. And glad you're here.

ANGEL: I doubt even one of Little Tony's hired guns would try something in a room full of cops.

KATE: What? Oh, that, death threat hanging overhead? No I meant speaking in public.

ANGEL: What's that old saw? Picture your audience in their underwear?

KATE: Way ahead of you.

KATE: Happy retirement, Daddy.

LOCKLEY: Who's this?

KATE: This is Angel. He's a friend. Angel, this is my father.

ANGEL: (shakes hands) Hello, Mr. Lockley. Congratulations.

LOCKLEY: For what? All I did was live this long and not get shot.

KATE: Why do you do that?

LOCKLEY: Do what?

KATE: Pretend important things don't matter?

LOCKLEY: So, Angel, how long you been seeing Katie?

ANGEL: We're, uhm, we're pretty new friends.

LOCKLEY: Well, good to see her out with a man. I was starting to wonder if she didn't lean in another direction altogether.

LIEUTENANT: All right everyone, before we cut the cake, the other Officer Lockley, the good-looking one, would like to say a few words. Kate?


KATE: Hello everybody. Welcome to the end of an era. Now the old man would *like* us to believe he couldn't care less about all this attention and free booze. (Laughter) But I know him better than that. He put a lot of years in on the job, and he made a difference in a lot of lives. (Scattered cheers) And now it's over. It's a huge deal, no matter what he says. In fact I don't really know what he's going to do with himself. He forgot how to be anything but a cop a long time ago. And maybe, maybe that's why I became a cop too. After Mom died, you stopped, you know? It was like you couldn't stand the sight of me. Her face, her eyes looking up at you. But big girls don't cry, right? You said, gone's gone, and there's no use wallowing. Worms and dirt and nothing, forever. Not one word about a better place. (sobbing) You couldn't even tell a scared little girl a beautiful lie! God, I wanted to drink with you. I wanted you to laugh *once* with me, the way you laughed with Jimmy here, or Frank.

LOCKLEY: What the hell did they do to her in that class?

KATE: My best friend Joanne, her Mom was soft, and she smelled like macaroni and cheese, and she'd pick me up on her lap and she'd rock me. She said she wanted to keep me for herself. That I was good and sweet. Everybody said I was. Do you realize that you’ve never told me that I'm pretty? Not once in my life?

HARLAN: Keep going, Katie.

KATE: Well, I can't anymore, Dad. I can't campaign for the office of your beloved daughter. You closed your heart after mom left us and that's it. (Sobs.)

HARLAN: That was so damn brave.

LIEYTENANT: Are you kidding me? Her old man's party wasn't the forum.

HARLAN: She can't worry about protecting him

COP 1: Let it out, Dale. I always knew your mother was controlling.

COP 2: I'm passive- aggressive

COP 3: I'm hearing a lot of denial.

LIEUTENANT: (to Harlan) She abused the process. I'm gonna tell her.

HARLAN: With that breakthrough? You're completely blocked.

LIEUTENANT: Your need for catharsis is not the issue here.

HARLAN: (grabs him) I'll give you catharsis!

(They fight, Angel separates them, Lockley leads the Lieutenant out. The other cops are arguing, crying or fighting.)

LOCKLEY: Keep it together, will you? I'll take him back to his precinct, let him sleep it off with the drunks. You should do likewise!

ANGEL: (to Kate) Let's go.

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written by: Tim Minear; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Ann. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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