Angel: Giles, this is an emergency. No. No, I'm not going— Don't put me on hold.
from Shells (Season 5)
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ANGEL: (to phone) Himalayas? I thought she was in South America.

SPIKE: (to himself) We got a branch in Tibet? How about a couple of sherpas?

ANGEL: (to phone) All right, look— (sighs) What do you mean she's not on this plane? You just said— Astral projection? Well, is there any way to get her astral over to L.A.? Giles, this is an emergency. No. No, I'm not going— Don't put me on hold.

WESLEY: (softly, to Gunn) Never a witch around when you need one.

GUNN: It'll work out. It has to.

WESLEY: I've been unreasonable... because I've lost all reason. But I shouldn't be taking it out on you. I know you've done everything you can. I'm sorry.

GUNN: (tearful) So am I.

ANGEL: (to phone) Yeah, I'm still at Wolfram & Hart . What does that have to do with anything? Yeah. I understand.

(he throws phone against the wall; it shatters)

ANGEL: We're on our own.

SPIKE: Good, 'cause I was wondering.

ANGEL: Nothing's changed, all right? We find Illyria and—

HARMONY: (arriving) Smack her a good one for me!

(she points to her bruised cheek, annoyed)

HARMONY: So gonna leave a mark.

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written by: Stephen S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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