Dawn: What'cha doing?
from No Place Like Home (Season 5)
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(Buffy prepares herself for the trance. Just as she's getting started, there's a knock at her door)

DAWN: What are you doing?

BUFFY: (frustrated) My boyfriend. Go away.

DAWN: Liar. Are you doing magic?

BUFFY: No, I'm not!

DAWN: Can I watch?

BUFFY: No, you can't!

DAWN: Oh, come on! Please, please, like times ten and cubed? Please?

(Dawn tries to open Buffy's door but Buffy slams it in her face.)

DAWN: Yeah, well, I can smell your stinky incense down the hall, you know. And your clothes are gonna reek. And if you are doing magic, I am so telling.

(Buffy folds up a towel and shoves it under the crack in the door.)

BUFFY: Fine! Go! Go tell. Go do whatever you want. Just go!

(Dawn beaten, goes back to her room dejectedly)

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