Gunn loses a soldier
from War Zone (Season 1)
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(epic street kids vs vamp battle)

ALONNA: (as vamp kicks Bobby) Bobby! Bobby!

(helps fight vamp off. Vamps flee, one of the kids aims a stake-gun at them. Gunn warns himnot to fire)

GUNN: No, no, no! (points) Dog 'em.

ALONNA: Gunn, come on. Come on.



GUNN: (re injured Bobby) Let's get him inside. Come on. It's gonna be all right. All right, we gotcha, B. Just a couple more steps. All right, you're gonna make it, man. Come on - two more. Here. Easy - easy.

ALONNA: Come right down here. It's Okay.

BOBBY: Hey, Gunn.

GUNN: Right here, man.

BOBBY: He picked me up like I was a baby.

GUNN: He's dust, Bobby, forget about him.

BOBBY: I'm not a baby.

ALONNA: He needs a doctor.

(Bobby dies)

GUNN: Not any more.

GUNN: James... how are we fixed for tonight?

JAMES: Beck and me lifted some canned stuff. Wasn't much in the bins behind Mel's - and we got that... I told them we don't take squatters.

GUNN: Everybody eats.

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written by: David Straiton; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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