Xander to Giles: Run for your life!
from A New Man (Season 4)
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(Xander's basement. Demony Giles comes in while Xander is asleep.)

GILES: (whispering) Xander. Xander, wake up.

(Groggily, Xander turns on his side and looks over his shoulder at him, eyes still closed.)

XANDER: (sleepily) Mom?

GILES: No, it's not mum. Now, when you look at me . . . you may be a little alarmed but there's no need, it-it's me. Giles. Now, Ethan has turned me into a demon and I need your help. Hello. Yes, it's me.

(From Xander's POV, we see that all he's hearing when Giles speaks is a demon language.)


GILES: Xander, listen! Don't you understand me?

GILES: (Xander's POV: speaking demon language)

XANDER: (shouting) Demon! Demon!

GILES: (Xander's POV: speaking demon language)

GILES: Please, don't you understand?

(Xander starts grabbing pots and pans from his shelves and throws them at him)

GILES: No, no! Don't! Xander! Xander, calm down! Ow! You're just a little overwrought. Oww!

GILES: (Xander's POV: growls in frustration and runs out the door)

XANDER: That's right! Run for your life!

(Cut to Giles outside in broad daylight, running across a lawn. Children are playing and Giles is stepping on their toys scattered on the grass. Kids are frightened and a mother is reaching for her child.)

GILES: (panicked) Oh, God. I'm sorry!

Mother: (grabbing her child) Call 911!

GILES: (running away) Bloody humans!

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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