Willow: Buffy we need you! Please!
from Spiral (Season 5)

(Spike rushes Glory, she sends him flying into Xander. Buffy rushes at Glory, sends her flying into Willow. Glory turns to look at Dawn, gives a little laugh and grabs her. Anya grabs Dawn from the other side but Glory pulls her free and begins running out.)

DAWN: Buffy!

(Buffy painfully tries to get up as Glory, dragging Dawn by the hand, crashes out the door. Cut to outside. Glory and Dawn burst out, run forward and into the barrier, which stops them. We can hear the knights shouting.)

GLORY: Yeah, right!

(Glory swings her free arm at the barrier and breaks a hole in it. She runs through it, pulling Dawn with her. We hear the knights yelling battle cries. The hole begins to close as Buffy emerges from the building. She runs into the barrier just as it finishes closing. She can't get past it.)

BUFFY: Dawn!!

(Sound of knights yelling and swords clashing. Buffy hurries back inside)

BUFFY: Willow! Get it down, now!

WILLOW: Hear, hear my plea. Circling arm protecting me.

(Cut to outside. Buffy comes running out as the barrier disappears. Buffy limps forward and looks around. All the knights are lying dead on the ground. Buffy walks forward slowly, looking around at the corpses in horror. Spike, Xander, Willow, Tara, and Anya burst out, slow down when they see the scene.)

WILLOW: We have to- (stops)

DANTE: (dying) The beast.

SPIKE: (points) The car. Get the keys.

(Spike and Xander run off. Buffy continues staring. Willow, Tara, and Anya start forward.)

WILLOW: Buffy, Buffy we have to find Dawn, we can't let Glory...

(Buffy sits down, shell-shocked)

WILLOW: Buffy! Buffy! Buffy you have to get up, we need you! Buffy, please! Buffy!

written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Typed the partial transcript of this episode myself. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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