Old man to Xander: I'm you. I'm you from the future.
from Hell's Bells (Season 6)
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MRS. HARRIS: Alexander. Do you realize that the usher sat us in the third row?

XANDER: Mom, I'm sure it was a mistake.

MRS. HARRIS: Well, I-I don't think it was really-

OLD MAN: Excuse me.

UNCLE RORY: Say Neph, do you know where the photographer is? I've got a proposition for him-

OLD MAN: Please, I really need to talk to you.

DAWN: Xander?

MRS. HARRIS: Honey, listen to me.

DAWN: Xander, one of Anya's presents got loose!

XANDER: Got loose?

MRS. HARRIS: It's fine-

DAWN: Yeah, it's a fully live squiggily thingy and hey, and why is Halfrek a bridesmaid?

OLD MAN: Please, please, you have to listen. You have to listen to me! (pulls Xander away) OLD MAN: You can't get married today. It's a huge mistake.

XANDER: Yeah right, thanks for the advice, Uncle ... help me here?

OLD MAN: Uncle? You don't recognize me, do you?

XANDER: I'm sorry, I don't-

OLD MAN: It sounds crazy, I know. But you have to believe me. I'm Xander Harris. I'm you.


XANDER: What do you mean, you're me?

OLD MAN: I'm you. I'm you from the future.

XANDER: Oh, from the future! For a minute I thought you were a nutball but now that you're from the future-

OLD MAN: (agitated) Please, listen to me. I found a way back to warn you. To tell you-

XANDER: Hey, hey, easy, easy. Everything's going to be all right.

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). action descriptions edited by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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