Taparrich: You're in big trouble young lady!
from Living Conditions (Season 4)
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(In the dorm room, Kathy throws Buffy against the demon's desk. Pencils fall to the floor.)

BUFFY: Ah-hah!

(She stomps on the pencils, breaking them. The fight continues.)

Student: Do you mind? People are trying to study!

(Cut to Giles' apartment.)

GILES: 'Ancients I beseech you. The soul, abstracted. Let it revert to it's true seat.'

(Dorm room.)

KATHY: The window's open. Happy?

(She throws Buffy over her bed and the slayer ends up leaning against her own bed. Kathy jumps on her and tries to force her mouth open. )

KATHY: Open up! Let me finish!

(Giles' apartment.)

GILES: 'Let it be finished. Let the unnatural vessel be emptied, let the essence be returned to it's original host.'

(Dorm room. Kathy tries to draw out the rest of Buffy's soul, but the reverse happens as Buffy's soul material is returned to her. Kathy drops, spent. )

KATHY: How did you do...

(With a flash of light, what looks like vortex briefly appears, to be followed by Taparrich who materializes inside the room. He and Kathy start talking in subtitles. )

Taparrich: There you are. Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in young lady?

Kathy: I'm not going back!

Taparrich: Don't take that tone with me.

Kathy: I'm 3000 years old! When are you going to stop treating me like I'm 900?

Taparrich: Enough. You're coming home.

(He waves his arm and a vortex forms in the floor. Buffy sees it and quickly crawls around to the other side of the bed. Kathy screams as she's sucked in.)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: Diov Llun . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 14

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