Oz hears Veruca's band for the first time from Beer Bad (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(the Bronze)
OZ: Hey. You got a table.
WILLOW: I had to kill a man.
OZ: Well, it's a really good table
WILLOW: I copied out my notes for Psyche since you were so elsewhere this morning.
OZ: Thanks
WILLOW: It's really pretty simple stuff. You know, just what's the matter.
OZ: I dunno. I feel It's nothing.
They look at the stage where Veruca appears and starts singing.
WILLOW: We could go back to your place. I could make you soup.
OZ: No. That's okay I'm fine. Thanks.
They continue watching the band. Willow is getting uncomfortable.
WILLOW: Do you know her?
OZ: Veruca? No. I know their drummer. He's cool. I've never heard them play.
(they play. Oz appears to be mesmerized by Veruca. Willow notices.)
written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Lilybunny (lilybunny@hotmail.com). Full transcript at: