Xander: Angel's back. I told you so.
from Enemies (Season 3)
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XANDER: I, uh, hate to spoil the mood, but this is so much worse than you think.

WILLOW: Xander, what happened to you?

XANDER: You know how some people hate to say I told you so? Not me. I told you so. Angel's back in the really bad sense, and uh, I told you so.

WESLEY: Angelus has turned? Xander, this is terribly serious. Are you sure?

XANDER: Gee, let me think. Kind of hard to tell. Last thing I remember was his fist.

WESLEY: We must contact Giles immediately.

XANDER: Good thinking. Let's waste time with a lively debate. Leave Buffy alone. See how dead she gets.

CORDELIA: Slow down, Xander. This isn't Wesley's fault.

XANDER: Actually, it is. Faith was your responsibility. Guess who's Angel's new playmate?

WILLOW: Faith and Angel? Together?

XANDER: Imagine the possibilities.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
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