Doctor: Connor's as healthy as a human being can possibly be.
from Loyalty (Season 3)
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(Angel & Wes are in a doctor's waiting room, waiting with Connor to be seen)

WOMAN 1: You'd think something was killing him.

WOMAN 1: All night long, the screaming and crying.

WOMAN 2: Colic is the worst.

WOMAN 1: I hold him. I walk him. Nothing seems to work.

ANGEL: Have you tried the vacuum?

ANGEL: Sometimes the white noise from a motor will put a colicky baby right to sleep.

WOMAN 1: You know, I've read about that. The problem is my older one - I can't run the vacuum while he's sleeping.

ANGEL: You could try taping it. The sound. Just leaving playing by the crib kind of low.

WOMAN 1: I should have thought of that! Mr. Dad to the rescue!

NURSE: Misses Ferguson?

WOMAN 1: (to Angel) Oh, excuse me.

ANGEL: (to Wes) Mr. Dad! Check me out! I'm Mr. Dad.

(he notices Wes' appearance)

ANGEL: You okay, Wes?

WESLEY: Well, just a bit tired, is all.

ANGEL: Probably good you got out of the office. We haven't seen you for the last couple of days. You've been all holed up with all those (quietly) prophecies and books.

WESLEY: Yes, I've been working on a - particularly difficult translation.

ANGEL: Is it about Connor? Anything we have to worry about?

Nurse: Mr. Angel?

ANGEL: (to Connor) We're up, kiddo. (Seeing Wes get up) You're coming in?

WESLEY: Just in case you forget to ask anything. Always better to have an extra pair of ears, right?

(The Doctor is examining Connor as Angel hovers over him.)

ANGEL: It's like a - like a soft gurgle or a wheeze. It might be a wheeze. I heard it last night when I was feeding him. You hear it?

DOCTOR: All I hear is a normal, healthy little heart.

ANGEL: You-you don't understand. I-I got like really good hearing. I mean *really* good hearing.

DOCTOR: Well, most first time parents do. You said this wheeze or gurgle happened while you were feeding him?

ANGEL: Is that bad? What is it?

DOCTOR: In my professional opinion - it's called digestion.


WESLEY: Doctor. During your exam you didn't notice anything - abnormal about him, did you?

ANGEL: Wes! What kind of question is that? (To Doctor) Did you?

DOCTOR: No. Your son is just fine.

ANGEL: So - when will we get the results form the blood test?

DOCTOR: In about a week. It's just precaution, really.

ANGEL: But he's okay. Connor's healthy?

DOCTOR: As healthy as a human being can possibly be.

ANGEL: (to Connor) Did you hear that? (Shakes the doctors hand) Thank you.

DOCTOR: No problem.

ANGEL: Thanks.

WESLEY: Angel? You can let go of the doctor now.

ANGEL: Oh. Right.

(Angel stops shaking the doctor's hand and gathers up Connor.)

ANGEL: Come on, kiddo. (To Doctor) Thanks.

DOCTOR: Take care.

(Angel, carrying Connor, and Wes walk out.)

DOCTOR: And they bitch about *my* cold hands.

(The Doctor lays the chart down next to a tube of blood labeled 'Angel, Connor' and leaves the room. The other woman from the waiting room comes in carrying her baby. She takes the tube of Connor's blood and replaces it with another one, looking exactly the same. The door opens and the nurse comes in.)

NURSE: There you are! Did you get turned around? You're supposed to be over in exam three.

WOMAN 2: Oh. My mistake.

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