Dawn to Buffy: Spike's totally into you
from Crush (Season 5)
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BUFFY: Why doesn't that register with you? Crypt plus vampire equals bad.

DAWN: 'Cause it was Spike!

BUFFY: Hanging out with Spike is not cool, Dawn, okay? It is, it is dangerous, and ... icky.

DAWN: I don't think Spike's icky.

BUFFY: Yeah, well, think again, sister-

BUFFY: You have a crush on him.

DAWN: No I don't! It's just, (giggles) he's got cool hair, and he wears cool leather coats and stuff. (stops smiling) And he doesn't treat me like an alien.

BUFFY: He's a killer, Dawn. You cannot have a crush on something that is ... dead, and, and evil, and a vampire.

DAWN: Right, that's why you were never with Angel for three years.

BUFFY: (quietly) Angel's different. He has a soul.

DAWN: Spike has a chip. Same diff.

BUFFY: I, I can't listen to this! Spike is a monster, okay? A-and plus, you are only fourteen years old.

DAWN: I like hanging out with him is all. And even if I did have a crush, he wouldn't notice in a million years. Not with you around.

BUFFY: What does that mean?

DAWN: Spike's totally into you. Oh, come on. You didn't notice? Buffy, Spike is completely in love with you.


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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 47

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