Cordelia distracts the security guard from Killed by Death (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
Guard: You know, most people think that security guards are just guys that failed the police exam. But that's not me. This is my career.
CORDELIA: Stereotypes are so unfair.
Guard: I did take the fireman's exam, though. I didn't do so good.
CORDELIA: Oh, well, you know, I think that security guards (plays with his badge) are *way* sexier than firemen. They're all sooty.
Guard: Well, this is where all the action is anyhow. I'm all the time restraining people.
CORDELIA: Mm, how thrilling. Do you ever get scared?
Guard: 'Fear is for the weak.' That's my motto. Either that, or 'Live in the now.' I haven't decided yet.
CORDELIA: I bet you see a lot of tragedy. You know, like that little girl?
Guard: Oh, one of Dr. Backer's patients. Dr. Backer's a great man. He understands the real truth about children.
CORDELIA: What's that?
Guard: Sometimes they die.
Cordelia closes her eyes. Xander makes another bumping noise, this time loud enough that the security guard hears it.
Guard: What was that?
CORDELIA: Uh, you know, I didn't hear anything. You know, you have the most... perfect nose I've ever seen. You must work out.
Guard: (gives her a little growl) Yeah.
CORDELIA: (smiles and nods her head) Mm-hm.
written by: Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali; . Full transcript at: