Spike to Eve: Trapped like a... Rat? Snake? Beady little rat snake?
from Underneath (Season 5)
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(Standing side by side, Angel and Spike stare at Eve with their arms crossed.)

EVE: No way. Even if my connection to the senior partners wasn't completely severed, I'm done helping you.

ANGEL: This isn't a negotiation, Eve.

EVE: Ooh, I'm intimidated. What could you possibly do to me? I've been trapped in this house for weeks like a—

SPIKE: Rat? Snake? Beady little rat snake?

ANGEL: You're not trapped, Eve. You're hiding. You know the second you step out that door, the second you don't have these symbols keeping you invisible to the partners, they're gonna zero in. So don't bother playing the pity angle. The only thing you care about is saving your own ass.

EVE: The only thing I care about is gone. You gave him up to the senior partners, let them suck him into—

ANGEL: Could do the same to you. Tell 'em how to see through your security system.

EVE: You wouldn't—

ANGEL: Not if you tell me what I want to know.

(The house starts shaking as a deep rumbling sound is heard somewhere outside the door.)

EVE: Oh, you bastard! You told them! You—

ANGEL: Wasn't me.

EVE: Oh, God. They're coming. Please, don't let them take me. Angel, please, I'll tell you. I'll tell you anything you want to know.

(the doorknob rattles. A man, Hamilton, wearing a fine, tailored gray pinstriped suit with a white silk tie and a white shirt busts through the door. He looks around the apartment, but it's empty. The window is open. In the audience, we Firefly fans yell "Jayne! It's Jayne!" gleefully.)

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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