(1894, Italy) Darla to Angelus: Darling. It was just fornication. Really *great* fornication.
from The Girl In Question (Season 5)
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ANGELUS: Darla. Darla! Darla! What have they done? My sweet death...

DARLA: (weakly) Angelus. You're back.

ANGELUS: I'd claw my way back from the depths of hell to lay by your side.

(he pulls her into his arms for a kiss, but recoils, drops her, stands and wipes his mouth)

ANGELUS: He's tasted you.


ANGELUS: Who do ya think?

WILLIAM: Well, that cheeky bastard. Had us tossed and then violates your woman.

ANGELUS: (to Darla) Did he hurt ya?

DARLA: (smiling) Not until I asked him to. Oh, come on. Have you seen him? With the eyes and the chest and the... (sighs blissfully) immortality.

WILLIAM: We're immortal.

DARLA: Not like him. I mean, he's not some common vampire. He's?I don't know what he is. A giant. A titan straddling good and evil, serving no master but his own... *considerable* desires.

ANGELUS: Darla--

DARLA: And spiritual. Did you know he spent 150 years in a Tibetan monastery? Which I guess explains all the desire.

ANGELUS: He's my arch-nemesis.

DARLA: Darling. It was just fornication. Really *great* fornication.

WILLIAM: She's glowing, mate.

ANGELUS: She isn't.

DARLA: (nods) Little bit.

WILLIAM: (to Angelus) Best fit you for a pair of antlers. Been made the right cuckold, you have.

(Drusilla comes in from the next room)

DRUSILLA: Time for another pony ride?

WILLIAM: Son of a bitch!

ANGELUS: The both of ya?

DARLA: (shrugs, giggles) He's insatiable.

WILLIAM: Drusilla, you--you let him touch you?

DRUSILLA: He felt like sunshine.

WILLIAM: Uh, no. No.

ANGELUS: That's why he had us tossed. So he could violate--

DARLA: He didn't.

ANGELUS: Violate our women!

WILLIAM: Violate in succession!

DARLA: Concurrently.

ANGELUS: Concurrently? You never let us do that.

DARLA: Come on, Dru. Let's have a bath so the boys can weep in private.

DRUSILLA: Will you hold me under the water?

DARLA: If you wish.

(The women walk into the next room giggling.)

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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